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»Tutorial: Title Sidebar Switch to Image
Saturday, October 6, 2012


1. Dashboard> Design> Edit HTML> Tick Expand Widget Templates
2. Press Ctrl + f and search for code # sidebar-wrapper {
3. Have? Good. Now, search the blog sidebar width. for example below _

4. When know what width sidebar, korang may create near photoshop image, Photoscape or where -2.
5. Okay. Was finished. you  skrg title search sidebar. For example tieqa has title "About me".
6. If bye, cuba habituate kids Tu code near the bottom, and look for code like _
<h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2>
7. There is not it? okay. then the code was replaced with this code
<center><img src='URL IMAGE' style='border-width: 0px;'/></center>
8. If you do not understand. bole close look at the example below _

9. If korg nk tambah image dekat bahagian title yang lain, just ulang je step yg sama.
10. Preview & save

Red : URL image

Like this few. hees..

words spilled @ 10:40 AM / leave goosebumps here